Pastor Dave Tolputt

Team Leader

Dave has been involved in Christian Ministry Leadership for nearly 40 years. His experience includes youth work, church leadership, CEO of Scripture Union Australia and Victoria, school chaplaincy coordinator and practicioner. Dave also has extensive experience in social and community services management.

Pastor Peter Fleming

Pastoral Associate

Peter has held a variety of church leadership positions over many years. His wisdom and good humour are very much appreciated at Life Links. He is married to Heather and is a dad and very proud grand dad.

Bruce Bartlett


Bruce has been a follower of Jesus ever since he was a child. He is a mechanical engineer by trade and runs a small family business that makes amazing farm equipment. He is married to Kara, and they have 4 growing up children.

Mike Peter


Michael is married to Martie, and they have two young adult children. Together they own and operate 2 Specsavers franchises. Mike is a qualified Optician.

Noelle Forth

Emergency Relief Manager

Noelle is a gun! With years of experience in social and community work, Noelle leads the Emergency Relief team at Life Links.