Our Core Values

Every church has certain values that they believe are non-negotiable. These are the things which that church feels they cannot compromise on and without which their existence is meaningless. Those values are called Core Values.

These are the Core Values of Life Links Church. They are not in order of importance.


Love is the central theme of the New Testament. In fact, without love, there is no value in anything we do. Our first duty then, is to love God and with His help to love one another. Matt 22:37-40 John 13:34-35 1 Cor 13:1-13 1 Tim 1:5


We have a mission from God to reach the unchurched and win them to Jesus Christ. Jesus made this clear in the Great Commission in Matt 28:19-20. See also Mk 16:15-16


Once a person comes to Christ, they need to grow and develop so that they can be everything He wants them to be. Our job is to provide every opportunity for them to do so. Matt 28:19-20 Luke 14:26-27,33


We want to be honest, not only in our relationship with God, but also in our dealings with others. We believe that the way we behave reflects on God, because we represent Him. 1 Cor 13:6 Prov 16:11


We believe that each person is uniquely gifted by God for an important task and that functioning in a person’s strengths is important for holistic growth. 1 Cor 12:4-6, 11-27

Anointed teaching of God’s Word

We value the Scriptures as the central feature of our faith and conduct. While it is important for individual believers to read the Scriptures for themselves, it is not enough as God has ordained teachers in the body of Christ to help build it up. 2 Tim 3:16-17 Heb 4:12 Eph 4:11-12

Faith & Grace

Grace is the central feature of the Gospel and an essential part of our message. God’s grace can only be received through faith, not by works. Obedience is essential, but all of God’s blessings are accessed by faith through Christ’s finished work on the cross. Eph 2:8-9 Tit 3:4-5


Serving is the highest calling for a Christian. Every believer who sincerely wants to be like Christ must learn to be a servant. Our aim is for every believer to serve the church and the community by using their unique gifts and abilities. Mark 9:35 Gal 5:13


We believe that God delights in our worship and that true worship, although outwardly expressed, begins in the heart. We want our Sunday worship experience to be meaningful and enjoyable, so we try to sound the best we can. Having said that, we don’t want our music to be just a performance; we want it to help connect people with God. John 4:23-24 Ps 29:2


Every believer should be in constant communication with God. Prayer is our acknowledgement that we can’t go it alone; we need God’s help in everything we do. 1 Tim 2:1-2 John 14:14 James 4:2


God is a generous God. He has given us everything that we need and more. He wants us to be like Him, and generous in giving our time, our treasure, and our talents. Luke 6:38 2 Cor 9:6-8